
Ice (HM1I1S)

Location: St. John's, Newfoundland and Lab A1A 1B2 Division No. 1
Country: Canada
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N 47° 34.187', W 52° 40.92'

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Les Glaces

Captions, clockwise from the top left. (English / French):

Pack Ice, frozen sea water up to 70 cm (27in.) thick, can be present in the waters off St. John's from February through April. The worst conditions occur in February/March. / La banquise, une agglomération de glace de mer pouvant atteindre 70 cm (27 po) d'épaisseur dérive au large de Saint-Jean entre février et avril. C'est en févirer et en mars que les conditions sont les plus difficiles.
In 1983/84, 2,200 icebergs reached the waters off St. John's. / En 1983-1984, quelque 2 200 icebergs ont atteint les eaux au large de Saint-Jean.

"Slob Ice: Thick slush mixed with small pieces of ice. / Neige fondante épaisse mèlée à des morceaux de glace.
"Bergy Bits" Small Icebergs. / Petits icebergs.
"Growlers" Icebergs that are particularly dangerous because of their low profile and instability. / Ces iceberg sont très dangereux parce quills son instables et prequel invisibles.

Greenland glaciers produce up to 40,000 icebergs annually. An average to 370 drift as far south as St. John's, but most remain offshore. A "typical" iceberg is 30m (100 feet) high, weighing 204,000 tonnes. Only one-eighth of an iceberg appears above water. / Les glaciers du Groënland produisent autour de 40 000 icebergs par an. En moyenne, 370 icebergs dérivent jusqu'a` Saint-Jean, mais la plupart demeurent au large. Un iceberg topic mesure 30 m (100 pi) de haut et pèse 204 000 tonnes. Seul le huitième de la masse d'un iceberg est visible audessus de l'eau.

View from Queen's Battery, early 1900's. / Panorama depuis la Batterie de la Reine, au début des années 1900.

View from Signal Hill, 1884. / Panorama depuis Signal Hill en 1884.
HM NumberHM1I1S
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, November 28th, 2014 at 5:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)22T E 373492 N 5269856
Decimal Degrees47.56978333, -52.68200000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 47° 34.187', W 52° 40.92'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds47° 34' 11.22" N, 52° 40' 55.2" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 230 Signal Hill Rd, St. John's Newfoundland and Lab A1A 1B2, CA
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